"Fosc" is a complex red wine with a unique personality, produced by Finca Perera winery. The nose is intriguing, a surprise with notes of red berries followed by hints of hay and earthy aromas of undergrowth. Brilliant ruby red to the eye, it is a fresh and mineral label that is produced with an alcoholic fermentation made with indigenous yeasts and then aged for 6 months in cement
"Fosc" from Finca Perera is a dark wine, to literally translate the name on the label from the Catalan language. We could call it a deep, bright red, a highly original interpretation that is inextricably linked to the terroir from which a whole variety of black grapes come from: although not far from one of the busiest areas in all of Spain, the Barcelona area and the Costa del Sol, Ruben Parera's winery works in a strictly artisanal way, with no synthetic chemical interventions in the vineyard or in the cellar.
The grapes that make up Finca Perera bodega's "Fosc" are grown on the slopes of Montserrat, the young mountain that forms the natural backdrop to Barcelona's hinterland, in the Penedes wine region. The estate vineyards are located about 235 meters above sea level and all have precise names: L'Hort, Les Prunes and L'Ull de Llebre. The soil is of a clay-limestone matrix, originating from the outcropping of ancient marine deposits: absolutely typical Catalan varieties such as Sumoll, Monastrell, Garnacha Negre, Ull de Llebre and the international Syrah find a home here. The harvesting of all these grapes is done by hand, by being picked in 250-kilo boxes that are quickly brought to the winery. The grapes are destemmed and the berries are left to macerate on the skins for several days in temperature-controlled cement tanks. Fermentation is left to the action of wild yeasts alone, and at the end a gravity racking is carried out, leaving the pressing of the pomace for the production other wines. The maturation period takes place on fine lees for about 6 months in cement: once the winter season is over, the wine is bottled by gravity, without filtering, during the waning moon phases.
"Fosc" by Finca Perera is gangly already at the sight, with its bright ruby red color, despite its slightly veiled appearance. The nose reveals an original character, with variegated and intriguing aromas: dark floral aromas of violets mingle with red currant berries, together with sunny undertones references to straw and earthy notes of underbrush. The sip is full, balanced by a lively freshness and a beautiful mineral note. A red for medium-aged cheeses or grilled sausages.
Bright ruby red
Aromas of currant and violet, with hints of straw and earthy notes of undergrowth
Fresh, complex, medium-bodied with great minerality