We apologize for the inconvenience—shipments will resume on January 16th as we enhance your shopping experience!

We apologize for the inconvenience. Shipments will resume on January 16th as we make exciting updates to enhance your shopping experience

Agricole Vallone

An historic winery in Puglia: highest quality wines
Region Puglia (Italia)
Foundation Year 1934
Vineyard hectares 170
Annual production 470.000 bt
Address Via XXV Luglio, 7 - 73100 Lecce LE
Oenologist Graziana Grassini

"Questa storica azienda del territorio ha saputo rinnovarsi mantenendo inalterato anche nei vini prodotti il fascino e l'eleganza delle proprie radici"

Guida Slowine 2020
The wines by Agricole Vallone winery