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Wines that honestly tell the Valpolicella Classica
Region Veneto (Italia)
Foundation Year 1992
Vineyard hectares 9
Annual production 60.000 bt
Address Prognol, 22 - 37020 Marano di Valpolicella (VR)

The Antolini family is a fine winery located in Marano di Valpolicella, in the heart of Valpolicella Classica, where respect for tradition and terroir goes hand in hand with quality. The winery was founded in 1992 by Pier Paolo and Stefano Antolini, brothers who passionately chose to embrace sustainable viticulture with the ultimate goal of producing wines of distinct and territorial personality while respecting the environment.

The vineyards of the Antolini estate stand at an altitude of between 150 and 350 metres and cover a total area of approximately 9 hectares, spread over the hills of the municipalities of Marano di Valpolicella, San Pietro in Cariano and Negrar. The varietal platform is dedicated to the local vines Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, Molinara and Croatina, flanked by smaller percentages of Cabernet Sauvignon, Garganega and Trebbiano, all of which are grown using the traditional Veronese double pergola system or the more widespread guyot form. Many rows are planted on so-called 'marogne', characteristic dry-stone walls supporting terraces facing south-west and south-east. The high temperature fluctuations between day and night give the wines intense aromas, made even more complex by the clay, limestone and tuffaceous nature of the soil. From the outset, the Antolini brothers have chosen to apply the principles of guided and integrated pest management so as to reduce the use of pesticides to a minimum, preferring instead alternative techniques such as sexual confusion and mechanical weeding. Fermentation takes place completely spontaneously in stainless steel tanks, while oak, cherry, chestnut or mulberry barrels of different capacities are used for ageing the top wines.

This is the basis for the typical and traditional interpretations of the Antolini brothers, who are firmly convinced that each wine must be the most complete and sincere expression of the terroir. The winery's flagship labels are the two Amarone della Valpolicella Classico wines, 'Morópio' and 'Cà Coato', manifestations of the vineyards of the same name.

"Coltivare vigne non è un lavoro qualsiasi, le vigne bisogna allevarle, come creature, una per una"

Pier Paolo Antolini

The wines by Antolini