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Fattoria San Lorenzo

The ancient and traditional vision of the Castelli di Jesi: original and typical wines
Region Marche (Italia)
Foundation Year 1995
Vineyard hectares 24
Annual production 80.000 bt
Address Via San Lorenzo, 6 - 60036 Montecarotto (AN)
Oenologist Natalino Crognaletti e Hartmann Donà

Natalino Crognaletti is confirmed every year as one of the best vigneron of the entire area of Verdicchio. To talk for him, are his wines, capable of emitting territorial incredible personality and able to release more and more aware of a surprising evolutionary potential. The recent history of this beautiful reality in Marche kicks off in 1995, but in reality it is handed down from father to son for generations. Enrico Crognaletti, grandfather of Natalino, pressed and it was quite good, but it was Gino, an expert pruner and breeder of clones, to teach his son how to treat the vines and work the land. The philosophy that spawned the birth of Fattoria San Lorenzo was about Natalino, with clear ideas that he wanted to produce wines visceral and full of personality, rejecting the business trends and fashionable. Thanks to its brilliant and original ideas Natalino has given birth to wines of great character: he always tried extraction in red and white left on the lees for several months, sometimes years, bringing wine enthusiasts truthful, character and engaging. Also important to emphasize its commitment to the environment: the vineyards, not too dense, growing on a grassy ground spontaneously fertilized with hay and green manure, processed without synthetic products and weeding. It's so that are born of great wines, full of personality and character, never related to any kind of approval or standardization.

"Trascorrere del tempo con Natalino Crognaletti, ormai storico vignaiolo del comparto jesino, è un modo per toccare con mano la possibilità di un'agricoltura virtuosa, dal volto pragmatico e dall'ispirazione umanistica"

Guida Slowine 2023
The Wines by Fattoria San Lorenzo