Gin Mare - Marc e Manuel Girò

The Mediterranean soul of Gin
RegionCatalogna (Spagna)
Foundation Year2008
AddressVilanova, Catalunya

Gin Mare is a delicacy that is now famous and appreciated throughout Europe and the world. Its history is interwoven with that of four generations of distillers, the last of which being Marc and Manuel Girò, who in just 10 years have revolutionised the tradition of gin, giving it a completely Mediterranean spirit. In the shade of the olive trees of Vilanova y la Geltrù, a small fishing village 50 km from Barcelona, there is a small church, which has been deconsecrated and whose altar has been replaced by a beautiful Florentine still. Against the backdrop of the Costa Dorada, which runs from Sitges all the way to Terragona, the two brothers had the vision to convey the wonderful scents of the Mediterranean bush to the rest of the world with this wonderful gin.

Marc and Manuel Girò produce their Gin Mare thanks to a careful selection of the best qualities of aromas, following a long period of searching throughout the Mediterranean. There are 9 ingredients that are used to maintain a perfect balance in this gin, all separately distilled and assembled cold, with different maceration times. Italian basil, Turkish rosemary, oranges from Valencia and lemons from Seville that are peeled by hand along with crushed olives that have not yet been pitted are the distinctive botanicals that are combined with the more classic coriander, juniper and cardamom. It's like experiencing the whole sea in a single bottle, with its scents and notes penetrating the corners of our unconscious mind and settling into our memory. It brings us back to green, sandy, salt-covered times of a tired, carefree sunset after a day at sea.

Gin Mare is a guarantee which Mediterranean Gin has been lucky enough to share with the market of 62 countries. It is exceptionally appreciated in Italy, where inside this church, a real miracle takes place. A drink enjoyed here is not blasphemous, but rather a great toast to the tremendous skills of this family, which has been able to exploit its own typicality, while remaining far from stereotypes. The two Ghirò brothers have been able to completely reinvent the concept of gin, overturning the schemes and surprising themselves before the world. This is a deservedly fashionable gin, which reveals the story of the other coast of Europe, far from the Dutch and English ones where it was invented, but equally capable of delighting our summer evenings.

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The Mediterranean Gin Mare
Gin Mare Mediterranean