Shipments resume Jan 18 - exciting updates ahead!

We apologize for the inconvenience. Shipments will resume on January 18th as we make exciting updates to enhance your shopping experience

Tantini Giovanna

The passion for the wine, the Garda and a dream come true: a genuine Bardolino
Region Veneto (Italia)
Foundation Year 2002
Vineyard hectares 12
Annual production 35.000 bt
Address Loc. I Mischi - 37014 Castelnuovo D/G (VR)
Oenologist Attilio Pagli e Laura Zuddas

"Con un faticoso lavoro di precisione ho rinnovato i vigneti a guyot e ridotto le rese per cercare di ottenere il massimo da terreni calcarei, pianeggianti e difficili"

Giovanna Tantini
The vines by Giovanna Tantini