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Giulia Negri

The female version of Serradenari Barolo: when terroir meets the innovation
Region Piemonte (Italia)
Foundation Year 2012
Vineyard hectares 6.5
Annual production 45.000 bt
Address Borgata Castagni 38 - 12064 La Morra (CN)

Everyone knows the Barolo Boys, but only a few know of the existence of the Barolo Girls. The very young winemaker Giulia Negri belongs to this second category. Not even thirty years old, she can already look back on a winemaking reality in La Morra: Tenuta Serradenari. If Serradenari is the summit of Barolo, Giulia is the one who overlooks this magnificent terrace with a view of Monviso. Heir to the Diatto-Negri family, famous in many fields, from cars to typography, from politics to writing, Giulia has continued this commitment as a winemaker with great consistency since 2012. Today, the care of the vineyard, the production of wine and its sale all over the world is made possible by the stable presence of four people in the cellar.

Giulia Negri is the Langa tradition that embraces contemporary taste, terroir that meets risk, the production of Barolo, the undisputed son of the terroir, alongside Pinot Noir, the son of whimsy, pleasure and emotion. The altitude of Serradenari is between 420 and 550 meters above sea level, making it one of the highest in the entire Lamorrese area; an essential component of the microclimate in which these wines are born, which exude freshness, cleanliness and suppleness in the sip. The soils are clayey in the lower areas and become increasingly rich in sandy loam with a strong presence of blue calcareous marl. The work is completed by a 14-hectare forest in the middle of which the vineyard is located, with large trees that jealously hide the truffles, the favorite kingdom of the "Trifulau" with their faithful dogs.

The joy of lightness is the common thread that runs through Serradenari's labels, which are created from three essential ingredients: Cleanliness, simplicity and passion. In the small cellar, which Giulia Negri likes to call a "garage", there are tonneaux with a capacity of around 500 liters in which the Nebbiolo and, for certain vintages, also the Barbera rest before being poured into the glass, a container which, in Giulia Negri's opinion, holds great secrets. Many speak of a return to the land of youth, of the necessity of this return and of the honor of carrying on a family treasure with rigor and courage: Giulia is the female declination of all this!

The wines by Giulia Negri winery