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Ka' Manciné

A great example of heroic viticulture: Maurizio and the Dolceacqua symphony
Region Liguria (Italia)
Foundation Year 1998
Vineyard hectares 4
Annual production 20.000 bt
Address Via Maciurina, 7 - 18036 Soldano (IM)
Oenologist Maurizio Anfosso

Ka' Manciné is a small winery in western Liguria, almost on the border with France, specializing in the production of Rossese di Dolceacqua. It is located in Soldano, a small village situated on the banks of the Verbone stream, and represents an example of heroic viticulture in a place that is unfavorable by nature. The soul and driving force behind this reality are Maurizio Anfosso and his wife Roberta Rapaci, who have made the family and local traditions their own and have chosen to focus on Rossese, a grape variety with great potential and that leaves room for work and interpretation, a grape variety capable of expressing different wines even a few meters from one vineyard to another. The winery's name means "The House of the Mancinei" in reference to Saracen history and the way Pietro Anfosso, a left-handed man in fact, was called to distinguish him from the other Peters in the village.

The Ka' Manciné vineyard covers 3 hectares and consists of 2 cru planted in Rossese: the Galae ("galley" in Ligurian dialect because of the Saracen prisoners who were historically taken there to work), a natural amphitheater at about 400 meters above sea level with southeastern exposure where the vines are trained either to sapling or to double spurred cordon; the Beragna, a plot dated 1876 and located at 350 meters with northeastern exposure where the old vines are supported by the "scarasse," wooden support poles traditionally used in this area. The soils are composed of clay and limestone rocks broken up into small lamellae: this soil, which locally goes by the name "sgruttu," has the advantage of being draining and maintaining a sufficient level of moisture even in hot and dry seasons.

Maurizio works his vineyards by hand, with pure respect for the environment and in harmony with the land. The vinification of the grapes partly follows the tradition of the area, involving the addition of about 10-15% whole, unstemmed grapes. The Rossese "Beragna" is a continental wine, an expression of cold and strong temperature ranges with a pleasant minerality, while the "Galeae" is a Mediterranean wine, more structured, soft and warm. The entire production of the Ka' Manciné winery aims to enhance the nobility of the characteristic aromas of the territory.

"La passione e l'amore per la terra sono la nota dominante che tramuta il vino in dolce sinfonia"

Maurizio Anfosso
Ka' Manciné's wines
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
1 -@@-6-Slowine