We apologize for the inconvenience—shipments will resume on January 16th as we enhance your shopping experience!
We apologize for the inconvenience. Shipments will resume on January 16th as we make exciting updates to enhance your shopping experience
Our Selections
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Wine List
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Artisan of the Vineyard
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Exclusive Champagnes
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Exclusive Sparkling Wines
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Region | Piemonte (Italia) |
Foundation Year | 2009 |
Annual production | 300 hl |
Address | LoverBeer, Str. Pellinciona, 7 - 10020 Marentino (TO) |
"Unicità e spinta estrema sono i due nodi attorno a cui ruota l'approccio birrario di Valter Loverier, in grado di realizzare alcune tra le birre più divertenti e profonde che oggi si possano assaggiare"
Guida alle birre d'Italia SlowFood 2019