Shipments resume Jan 18 - exciting updates ahead!

We apologize for the inconvenience. Shipments will resume on January 18th as we make exciting updates to enhance your shopping experience


Extracted and powerful versions or more classic and subtle: the enhancement of the Dolcetto di Dogliani
Region Piemonte (Italia)
Foundation Year 1986
Vineyard hectares 35
Annual production 150.000 bt
Address Borgata Valdiberti, 59 - Dogliani (CN)
Oenologist Orlando Pecchenino

"Con un piede nel doglianese e uno a Monforte, i Pechenino oggi guardano con interessa all'Alta Langa, dove il boom della denominazione spumantistica sta attirando attenzione e riconoscimenti"

Guida Slowine 2020

The Wines by Pecchenino