Shipments resume Jan 18 - exciting updates ahead!

We apologize for the inconvenience. Shipments will resume on January 18th as we make exciting updates to enhance your shopping experience

Piccolo Bacco dei Quaroni

Veridicity and peasant tradition of a small winery from Oltrepò Pavese
Region Lombardia (Italia)
Foundation Year 2001
Vineyard hectares 10
Annual production 35.000 bt
Address Frazione Costa Montefedele - 27040 Montù Beccaria (PV)
Oenologist Gianni Gaspari

"Rispettare la natura e assecondare i cicli naturali della vite sono i capisaldi che noi consideriamo inderogabili"

Mario Cavalli
Wines by Piccolo Bacco dei Quaroni winery