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Ronco Severo

Sincere, genuine and rustic: Ronco Severo's Friuli wines
Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italia)
Foundation Year 1962
Vineyard hectares 11
Annual production 30.000 bt
Address Via Ronchi 93 - 33040 Prepotto (UD)
Oenologist Stefano Novello

The Ronco Severo winery is a small production company located in the town of Prepotto, in the province of Udine. We are in a region, Friuli Venezia Giulia, which has always been associated with wine and its traditions, and which, over the last few decades, has been able to impose itself for the quality of its products, especially its white wines. Of the many different wineries in the area, Ronco Severo is certainly one that reflects the spirit of its owner, Stefano Novello. He is a refined soul, who grew up in a family of farmers, accustomed to cultivating the land since the post-war period, dedicating himself to agriculture, livestock breeding and even vines. Stefano has been in close contact with the world of wine since he was a child, and over the years has acquired considerable experience in the commercial and sales areas. Eventually, however, he felt the inner necessity to search for new stimuli, and decided to undertake a total renovation of the family business, which no longer reflected his production vision. In fact, Stefano wanted to concentrate on the production of artisanal and environmentally friendly labels, a path that led him, over the years, to acquire organic certification. Today Ronco Severo fully respects Stefano's philosophy, creating a small production of labels with a decidedly contemporary touch, where body and structure never compromise elegance and ease of drinking.

The vineyards of the Ronco Severo winery cover an area of 8 hectares, situated at an altitude of about 150 metres above sea level. The terroir is characterised by the presence of sandstone marls, typical of these hills, known locally as "ponca". The rows of vines are mainly planted with typical regional varieties, such as Picolit, Pinot Grigio, Friulano, Schioppettino, Ribolla Gialla and Refosco, alongside other international white and red varieties. In the vineyard, work is meticulous and respectful of the natural cycles of the vine, and even in the cellar, Stefano's work only serves to complement what has already been achieved in nature. The idea of organic for Stefano must always be related to the peculiarities of the individual territories, because only in this way can there be a real interaction between wine and the vineyard of origin.

Ronco Severo produces a very limited amount of wine each year, but in spite of this, it is able to offer enthusiasts a wide range of the most representative products of this territory. Genuine, straightforward labels, where compromise is never at the expense of a sincere, clean and identifiable sip. This is ideal for connecting those who taste a Ronco Severo wine with the fascinating terroir of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

"Abbiamo ricevuto in prestito un territorio che abbiamo il dovere di salvaguardare, é il nostro futuro, questa convinzione mi ha portato ad abbandonare ogni prodotto chimico e a ridurre al minimo indispensabile l'intervento in vigna e in cantina. Nei vigneti inerbiti non faccio uso di concimazioni inorganiche e diserbanti, in cantina non uso enzimi, lieviti selezionati e solforosa. Solo lunghe macerazioni per estrarre sostanze che producono vini dal colore molto intenso, espressioni longevi che a volte risultano lievemente velati perché non subiscono né filtrature e né chiarifiche."

Stefano Novello

The wines of Ronco Severo