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Scala Fenicia

A lifetime dedicated to a glass of wine: the story of Gigi and the wine of Capri
Region Campania (Italia)
Vineyard hectares 0.4
Annual production 3.800 bt
Address Via Fenicia, 15 - 80073 Capri, NA

The Scala Fenicia winery has a truly remarkable history on the celebrated island of Capri, reflecting the tradition and precious mentality of times gone by. The winemaking tradition is deeply rooted in the island's culture, although it has been sidelined by the more immediate and profitable tourism industry, also because of the steep slopes that render it effectively a heroic viticulture. The Koch family has therefore decided to breathe new life into this tradition, preventing the vineyards from being abandoned and with the precise objective of producing wines that preserve tradition and territory. For this reason, the vines have been cultivated for more than 50 years in perfect harmony with the environment.

The wines of Scala Fenicia are exclusively obtained from native grapes and focus on the valorisation of Greco, Biancolella and Falanghina vines, which are over 50 years old. The vines are cultivated with the Puteolan "spalatrone" system, which traditionally combines the vines with lemons and the typical smells of the Mediterranean vegetation. The vines stand 80 metres above sea level and are divided into four "pezze", or terraces, on the north-eastern slope of the Solaro mountain. All operations in the vineyard are carried out without the use of machinery, and exclusively by hand, such as the grape harvest, which takes place during the first week of October, when all the berries have acquired a golden colour thanks to the last rays of summer sunshine. This type of traditional workmanship goes hand in hand with modern winemaking techniques, which are supported by the use of the historic micro-cellar built from an ancient Roman cistern. This cellar has thick stone walls and a vaulted structure, which is ideal for maintaining the temperature at constant levels. Alcoholic fermentation and ageing takes place in stainless steel tanks, which enhance the various aromas of the grape.

The powerful personality of Scala Fenicia's wines is the result of the work of winemaker Gigi Esposito who, at the ripe old age of 80, coordinates all activities in the vineyard and manages the harvest together with his sister Gilda. The two siblings have never abandoned the island and live in the Villa La Rosella like two settlers in their own personal Eden, in complete synchrony with the environment, and benefiting from the heritage of the ancient Roman people who introduced wine culture to the island. The Capri Bianco white wine is a unique example of its kind, and represents another aspect of this well-known island. It has a solid tradition that should be appreciated to ensure that the tale of this almost Homeric hero, who dedicated his life to expressing this wonderful story through white glasses, is never forgotten.

The wines of Scala Fenicia