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Tanca Nica

The Mediterranean Sea, African sun and the wind of Pantelleria encapsulated in the rarities created by Francesco Ferreri
Region Sicilia (Italia)
Vineyard hectares 3
Annual production 3.000 bt
Address Via San Vito, 50/2 - 91017 Pantelleria (TP)
Oenologist Francesco Ferreri

The wind caresses the grapes, the scorching sun kisses them and the sea cools them down. This is not the beginning of a fairy tale, but the introduction to one of the most fascinating territories of the Italian peninsula, the Island of Pantelleria. In this Mediterranean paradise of volcanic origin, halfway between Africa and Sicily, where everything has remained wild and uncontaminated, Francesco and Nicoletta's dream was born with the name of Tanca Nica. A small 3-hectare winery, managed by the two young people, and inaugurated after Francesco's studies in Conegliano, in San Michele and the long journey through Italy, Hungary, France and New Zealand to learn all the secrets of wine-making. In this small piece of land enchanting and magical expressions of Pantelleria come to life, which are rare pearls (given the very low number produced) that smell of sea, sun and wind. Tanca Nica, in Pantellerian dialect, is the name of a hilly plot of land organised in terraces, as on the island the land is named after its conformation and extension. Here Francesco Ferreri cultivates the land and his ancient vineyards (the oldest dates back to 1933), following and continuing the ancient local traditions of his grandfather Giueppe and the teachings of his father Vito.

The varieties cultivated by Tanca Nica are those that are part of Pantelleria's long enological history. The most important of these is Zibibbo, also known as Moscato d'Alessandria, which flowers from small Pantelleria trees that enclose the precious grapes to protect them from the island's incessant winds. Then there is the Pignatello grape, called Nivuro Nostrale by the Pantesco farmers, which is a red grape that can still be found in a few ancient saplings and which over the years has gradually given way to the international Syrah and Cabernet. Finally, the Catarratto grape, which has acclimatised perfectly to the island and grows luxuriantly gently caressed by the Sirocco and Mistral winds. The three grapes grow from vines rooted in the volcanic and sandy soils, facing the sea and located at an altitude of up to 480 metres. Everything is left to grow naturally and spontaneously, strengthening the earth-vine-man triangle. No chemical additives are used, nor herbicides, insecticides or winemaking shortcuts in order to safeguard the spontaneity of the land and the fruit. Even in the cellar, the philosophy is the same: spontaneous fermentation with indigenous yeasts without clarification or filtration. The wines are produced without the addition of sulphites or reduced to 30 mg/l total. The decanting and bottling are carried out by gravity, according to the phases of the moon and the type of wind that blows (for example, in the Levant, which is very humid, the grapes are not even picked).

The Tanca Nica range offers outstanding passito wines with an extraordinary freshness. The first version, which is lighter and sunnier, is produced from Zibibbo grapes that ripen with the first morning sun, and is called "Alba", while the other one, which is warmer and more powerful, is produced from vines that absorb the last hours of the sun, and is therefore known as "Tramonto" ('sunset'). Finally, there is the Riserva variety, which is produced from old vines aged following the perpetual method. In addition, a red wine based on Nivuro Nostrale grapes is also produced, which is direct and straightforward, and a vibrant combination of salt and Mediterranean bush. The rosé, Catarratto and the bottle-refermented wines are also definitely worth tasting. They are all simply unique and represent the poetry of the land of Pantelleria!

The wines of Tanca Nica