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Tenuta Selvadolce

The past and present of Aris: a pure and genuine taste of western Liguria
Region Liguria (Italia)
Foundation Year 2004
Vineyard hectares 5
Annual production 10.000 bt
Address Via Selva Dolce, 14 - 18012 Bordighera (IM)
Oenologist Aris Blancardi

The Selvadolce Estate is a concentration of pure and genuine Ligurian lifestyle, carefully and lovingly brought to life by the progressive and environmentalist spirit of Aris Bancardi. As well as representing the name of the winery, the name Selvadolce also reflects the natural characteristics of the landscape in which it is located, characterised by multicoloured bougainvillea, dry stone walls of Burgundian origin and centuries-old olive trees. A "nomen omen", which deeply ties the destiny of this winery to the Ligurian terroir in which it is situated.

With a degree in veterinary medicine and a past as someone who doesn't drink alcohol, Aris Bancardi took the family business into his own hands and, with an innovative and bold approach, illuminated it with a new and splendidly natural light. "I returned home with only one certainty: that Selvadolce would become a biodynamic estate! These were Aris's determined and confident words once he had completed his viticulture and horticulture courses. During these courses he came into close contact with personalities of the calibre of Nicolas Joly, the undisputed father of biodynamic viticulture in France. His encounter with this philosophical and pragmatic know-how has enabled him to experience his relationship with the land, grapes and wine in a new and more respectful way. In the vineyard, the procedures used are as minimally invasive as possible. In order to recreate the original and virtually lost fertility, the classic 500 and 501 preparations are used: superheroes of the agronomic present that have been destroyed by decades of inconsiderate use of systemic products.

The Selvadolce Estate is located in the extreme western part of Liguria, just a stone's throw from its French cousins, in the enchanting and evocative hills surrounding the town of Bordighera. Here the sweltering, stifling heat of the Ligurian Riviera gives way to gentle, soothing sea breezes that accompany the grape bunches as they ripen. Here, where vines face the sea, breathing in the fresh winds and the scent of flowers, only responsible and strictly sustainable agriculture can perfectly match such an idyllic landscape. This explains Aris's dream of creating genuine and straightforward expressions from within that unspoilt and pristine part of Liguria.

"Fino a che non ritengo siano pronti, non metto in commercio i miei vini. È un gesto di rispetto verso la terra che coltivo e verso chi ne deve godere il frutto"

Aris Blancardi

Tenuta Selvadolce's wines