Shipments resume Jan 18 - exciting updates ahead!

We apologize for the inconvenience. Shipments will resume on January 18th as we make exciting updates to enhance your shopping experience

Vigne dei Boschi

Tradition and experimentations: wines in search of the authentic character of the Romagna
Region Emilia Romagna (Italia)
Foundation Year 1989
Vineyard hectares 6.5
Annual production 13.000 bt
Address Via Baldassarra, 14 - 48027 Solarolo (RA)
Oenologist Paolo Babini

"Dal 1989 Paolo Babini e la moglie Katia alpi sperimentano senza sosta e con grande entusiasmo in ambito agrnomico ed ecologico, arrivando a trovare sempre nuovi equilibri nel sapiente lavoro di valorizzazione del territorio"

Guida Slowine 2024

The wines by Vigne dei Boschi winery