
The centenary history of Prosecco Superiore in Valdobbiadene
RegionVeneto (Italia)
Foundation Year1542
Vineyard hectares55
Annual production4.100.000 bt
AddressVia Follo, 33 - 31049 Santo Stefano di Valdobbiadene (TV)
OenologistDesiderio Bisol

Bisol is a winery that bases its work on an innate love for the land and its fruits, through a history that is more than centuries old: in fact, the first testimony attesting to the presence of the Bisol family in the historical heart of the portion of land famous for the production of Prosecco Superiore, namely the area known as "Chartice", today's Cartizze hill, dates back to 1542. A succession of ownerships spanning 21 generations resulted in 1875 in the construction of the winery that is still active today, carved into the rock like the great sparkling wine "caves" beyond the Alps, containing old labels of inestimable historical value.

The Bisol winery is located in the middle of the pleasant countryside of Conegliano, in the historically elected area for the production of Prosecco Superiore where the microclimatic conditions are optimal: constant ventilation, perfect sun exposure and the right temperature range are among the main ingredients for a quality Prosecco Superiore. Here every process is carried out strictly by hand not only to keep the quality of the grapes and vines intact, but also for purely logistical reasons: the steep terrain that is difficult to access except on foot obliges Bisol's winemakers to practice heroic viticulture, making every intervention in the vineyard arduous and painful. One frieze that the winery can certainly count among its reasons for pride is the ownership from time immemorial of three hectares perfectly positioned on the top of the Cartizze hill, undoubtedly one of the most precious cru in Italy.

Bisol creates bottles of Prosecco according to the micro-zone of origin of the grapes while maintaining a unique identity for each different label: credit to Glera, the grape variety used in the elaboration of the world-famous sparkling wine from Veneto, which is one of the most sensitive grapes regarding microclimatic variations. The winery is currently in the hands of the twenty-first generation represented by Gianluca, a general manager with broad views on the future of Bisol, who sees the market strength of Prosecco as a great resource for his territory.

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Lavoriamo con grande passione affinché Conegliano abbia lo stesso prestigio di Reims, Valdobbiadene lo stesso fascino di Epernay e il Prosecco la stessa notorietà della Champagne”

Gianluca Bisol

Bisol's Prosecco
Cartizze Dry Bisol