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Produttori del Barbaresco

The winery that has written the history of the great red wine of Langa
Region Piemonte (Italia)
Foundation Year 1958
Vineyard hectares 107
Annual production 550.000 bt
Address Via Torino, 54 - 12050 Barbaresco (CN)
Oenologist Giovanni Testa

Produttori del Barbaresco is a winery of international stature, deeply rooted in the history of Nebbiolo di Langa. Officially established under this name in 1958, thanks to Don Fiorino Marengo's ability to bring together 19 producers for the qualification and guarantee of Barbaresco wine, its history actually dates back as far as the crucial year 1894. Domizio Cavazza, then dean of the Royal Oenological School of Alba and owner of the Castle of Barbaresco and the adjoining farm, created the Cantine Sociali di Barbaresco with the aim of making luxury and table wines, breaking with the tradition of conferring grapes to the Barolo-producing wineries: gathering around him nine farmers and owners, he started vinification in the Castle cellars and to name the wine after the town. A reality that would fade away in the 1920s, after the founder's death in 1913, but would be revived in the late 1950s, becoming an example for cooperatives around the world.

The Società Agricola Cooperativa Produttori del Barbaresco now counts on the commitment of 50 families, who work a total extension of 110 hectares of vines, all within the appellation of origin, dedicated to the production of a single wine. The plots belonging to these winegrowers are spread over the area of the municipality of Barbaresco and represent the crus from which the relevant labels, an expression of the individual terroirs, are obtained. The most northerly are the contiguous Ovello and Montefico, while Montestefano and Pajè, just to the south, remain slightly more self-contained. In the middle area, Pora, which faces east on the Tanaro, Asili, Muncagota, historically called Moccagatta, and Rabajà, on the border with the municipality of Neive, stretch out as a single body. Rio Sordo is the southernmost, a strip from north to south that touches the border with Treiso. Altitudes cover elevations ranging from 220 to 320 meters above sea level, with exposures that turn substantially between west, south and southeast. The soils turn out to be quite different, but a common denominator can be found in the peculiar Tortonian layer, composed of clayey marls, rich in mineral salts and not very impermeable.

Producers of Barbaresco make a Barbaresco every year, the result of the blending of the different vineyards, and a Langhe Nebbiolo, presented for the first time with the 1975 vintage, the fruit of the younger plots. When a year is particularly excellent in terms of wine growing, it is possible to conduct vinifications of the individual Cru wines, which, after aging in the cellar for four years between large barrel and bottle, will be sold as Riserva. The numbered labels bear the names of the vineyards and their owners.

Produttori del Barbaresco's wines
94 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
94 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
94 -@@-7-Robert Parker
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
97 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
94 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
95 -@@-7-Robert Parker
95 -@@-7-Robert Parker
97 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
95 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
94 -@@-7-Robert Parker
93 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
93 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
94 -@@-7-Robert Parker
94 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
95 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
96 -@@-7-Robert Parker
94 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
95 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
94 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
93 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
93 -@@-7-Robert Parker
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
95 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
96 -@@-7-Robert Parker
95 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
98 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
95 -@@-7-Robert Parker
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
94 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
94 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
94 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
94 -@@-7-Robert Parker
97 -@@-10-Wine Enthusiast
95 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
92 -@@-7-Robert Parker
93 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
93 -@@-7-Robert Parker
93 -@@-7-Robert Parker