Introducing Callmewine's Spirits: Explore a World of Refined Flavours and Unparalleled Craftsmanship!



Elegant and smooth, fiery and round, distillates, or spirits, result from a fermented product's distillation process, usually of vegetable origins, such as cereals, roots, sugar cane, tubers, fruits or wine and derivatives. It is a very ancient technique dating back to the Egyptians, consolidated by the Greeks and Romans and then perfected by the Arabs with the development of the alembic, the instrument for extracting the spirit. Also known as eaux-de-vie or vine water, despite their high alcohol content, they encompass a vast and complex world, including Whisky, Grappa, Rum, Tequila, Cognac and other products that represent a unique cultural and historical heritage.

44 results
Gin London Dry Bulldog
Pimm's N°1
Vodka Grey Goose
Gin Etsu
Rum Don Papa